About us

FULCRUM Consulting
Your companion through the digital transformation

FULCRUM Consulting

We are your partner in improving the performance of your company: through the combination of specialist knowledge, content-related consulting, management and coaching from our experts. We combine people, organisation, business processes and IT in an innovative way, thereby increasing your company value and your growth prospects.

We set corporate developments in motion and support them through to a successful conclusion. We ensure the necessary transfer of expertise to secure your future success. The positive feedback and trust from our clients is the driving force behind our work. We have over 25 years of practical experience, particularly in the areas of supply chain and ERP.

Our international partners

From our locations in Austria (Vienna, Linz and Steyr) and the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), but also with our international partners, we support our customers worldwide and have been successfully realising projects together with them since 2004.





© FULCRUM Consulting 2023